Gate Hopping
Gate Hopping is the adventure game for those living in the moment. It was inspired b a very spontaneous weekend with fellow adventure seekers. The basics are this:
Step 1: From home, go to airport
Step 2: Fly to some destination that you intend to fly to, like visit mum, some guy in jail you've been penpalling, whatever
Step 3: Return to home airport
Step 4: Stop when you walk out of the jetway and into the gate lounge area
Step 5: Breathe
Step 6: Walk to the adjoining gates and look for a flight that is boarding within one hour
Step 7: Purchase ticket (if ticket is not available, go to Step 5)
Step 8: Get on plane
Step 9: Have a drink
Step 10: Go to Step 3
Now you might ask, what's in it for me. Well, my friend, first off, living your damn life, cuz really who knows when your penpal from jail gets out! There are also points involved:
Some tips:
- Do carry-on only. It will be difficult to catch a flight in short order when you have to collect bags
- Bring a passport, you never know, the next available flight leaving could be to another continent or galaxy
- When possible, travel with friends. It makes it so much more fun!
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